
I don't even want to call it a hobby. Taking photos is just something I do when I'm out of things to do. But the other day, my boss told me about this facebook page about how common people sent their photos to be judge by others by typing OK in the comment box.

So I decided to send my photo to photosharesession and I got 3 OKs! So it's bad, isn't it? Although most people got no less than 10 OKs, but I'm very happy with my own photos. 

It's a pretty cool page and if you like to take photos, hey join the group, you might actually learn something here. 

petualangan borneo

Hari Rabu, 22 Desember 2010, sekitar pukul 08:00 WITA, ketika saya bersiap-siap untuk kembali ke pusat kota, langit menurunkan hujan. Seolah-olah mengingatkan saya betapa beruntungnya saya, bukan hanya karena saya diberikan kesempatan untuk mengunjungi Kalimantan Selatan, tetapi saya diberikan kesempatan untuk mengambil bagian memberikan pelatihan kepada guru-guru di kecamatan Jorong, Kalimatan Selatan.

Saya terharu dengan teman-teman baru yang saya kenal, baik di Jorong maupun teman-teman yang berangkat bersama-sama dari Jakarta. Walau dalam kunjungan yang lumayan singkat, saya belajar begitu banyak hal. Saya merasa sangat beruntung.

Setibanya saya menginjak pulau Kalimantan, saya dibawa menikmati itik goreng, itik bakar dan udang bakar ala Banjar di salah satu rumah makan popular di Banjarbaru, Swarga. Begitu mobil yang kami tumpangi berhenti di depan rumah makan Swarga, saya melihat panggangan besar di depan rumah makan tersebut yang mana di atasnya potongan-potongan itik dipanggang dengan begitu indahnya. Saya  begitu bersemangat.

Setelah itu, kami mengunjungi Kecamatan Martapura, di mana area ini terkenal dengan pasar batu-batu perhiasannya. Saya bukan orang yang menyukai batu-batuan dan apalagi belanja di tempat di mana saya diharuskan untuk menawar. Jadi saya memilih untuk mengobservasi dan melihat-lihat seperti apa pasar Martapura.

Martapura adalah kota dengan pengaruh Islam yang kuat. Monumen-monumen dengan ukiran huruf Arab dengan mudah dapat ditemukan di mana-mana. Ada referensi yang menyebutkan bahwa Martapura disebut sebagai kota santri.

Pasar penjualan perhiasannya sendiri tidak jauh berbeda dengan pasar Tanah Abang atau pasar Senen, mungkin tidak sepadat kedua pasar di Jakarta tersebut, namun selayaknya pasar homogen, di mana mata memandang, perhiasan bergantungan di mana-mana. Saya menyempatkan diri untuk membeli beberapa gelang dan bros untuk oleh-oleh ibu saya.

Saya menghabiskan malam-malam saya dengan tinggal di sebuah bungalow di tepi pantai, di mana kami masing-masing diberikan satu flat. Malam pertama saya membayangkan betapa mengerikannya saya harus tidur sendiri. Namun begitu saya tinggal sendiri di flat tersebut, tanpa TV, tanpa internet, tanpa musik, hanya bunyi ombak yang berdeburan. Rasa takut (tanpa alasan jelas) beserta rasa capai setiap malam diseimbangkan dengan rasa nyaman.

Saya selalu mencintai pantai. Duduk di tepi pantai di malam hari dengan menikmati kudapan hangat dan teh panas adalah salah satu hal yang paling menyenangkan. Suara deburan ombak yang tak henti-hentinya memberikan ketenangan.

Saya sadar ketika diberikan informasi mengenai tempat pelaksanaan pelatihan, saya tidak akan berharap tempat yang mewah. Bahkan di hari pertama, kami harus turun membersihkan kurang lebih 100buah kursi dari debu yang tebal dengan tisu basah. Hanya dengan dua kipas angin, kami juga mengadakan pelatihan tersebut dari pagi hingga sore.

Hari pertama adalah hari yang terberat. Setelah sore menjelang, saya nyaris pingsan. Dari sore jam 4 hingga malam jam 7, saya hanya ingat kepala saya rasanya seperti mau meledak. Walau semuanya berangsur-angsur membaik setelah saya tidur beberapa jam dan minum air seperti kuda nil.

Namun begitu saya membaca kertas isian kesan dan saran, saya menjadi sangat terharu. Pelatihan yang sederhana dan cuma sesaat tersebut memberikan banyak masukan kepada pesertanya. Bahkan hingga saat ini saya berharap perjalanan itu tidak sia-sia dan dari semua pihak, kecamatan Jorong yang paling diuntungkan.

Walau dalam kunjungan yang singkat (3 malam), saya sempat juga menyicipi beberapa kudapan dan masakan khas Kalimantan, seperti Soto Banjar, Ketupat Kandangan dan berbagai kudapan yang saya temukan di pasar tradisional Martapura.

Di sini, kudapan atau kue-kue itu disebut wadai. Saya mencobai beberapa wadai seperti wadai kunci, wadai wajik dan satu kue yang terbuat dari singkong. Satu hal yang menarik perhatian saya adalah udang-udang besar di mana-mana, bahkan di warung makan di tepi jalan, sangat biasa menjual udang-udang besar ala lobster.

Saya sempat beberapa kali mengingatkan diri untuk berhati-hati dan ingat usia sudah tidak muda lagi. HEHEHE.

Akhirnya saya harus balik ke Jakarta juga. Oyah, sebelum saya berangkat ke Kalimantan, saya iseng-iseng cerita kepada teman saya mengenai perjalanan saya ini. Spontan teman saya berkomentar bahwa tidak ada apa-apa yang bisa dilihat di Kalsel, karena pendapat dia semua pemuda Kalsel memilih untuk berurbanisasi ke pulau Jawa daripada membangun tanah kelahirnya.

Pendapat teman saya itu tidak sepenuhnya benar, walau saya menemukan kota Banjar sedikit sepi di waktu malam dan penduduk lokal tampaknya lebih sedikit dibandingkan pendatang (penduduk yang bertransmigrasi). Kalimantan Selatan di luar kekayaan tambangnya, memiliki potensi yang begitu besar. Untuk parawisata misalnya, dibutuhkan sedikit polesan dan saya yakin bisa mengimbangi situs-situs wisata popular lainnya di Indonesia. 

movies in year 2010

I don't think I watched movies this year as many as last year. I don't think I have too many favorite this year. I remember how the year's summer blockbusters was a disappointment, although there are some good ones. The Golden Globes nominations announce is the proof. Kidding, those two have no relation whatsoever.  Anyway, my favorite movies in the year of 2010 are:

Toy Story 3
Undeniable that it is the best animated movie Pixar ever made so far.  It's funny, it's dramatic and seriously entertaining.

It's the Matrix thing all over again. Once rumored Nolan is a snob, with Inception, I say he's earned the right to be one. This mind-bending science fiction has turned my world upside down .. and the beautiful talented Miss Cotillard, will you just marry me?

Jean Pierre Jeunet is a genius and Micmacs is FUNNY! FUNNY! It successfully plays with that slapstick comedy Hollywood has been trying so hard to produce but failed at many times.  

The Kids Are All Right
There was a scene where Annette Bening's character just found out that her partner cheated on her and she looked lost and yet tried to keep everything together. It was a good scene and Benning just nailed it. Actually everyone looks good in this movie.  

Easy A
Haven't I told you that Emma Stone is a star? Easy A is hell-yeah funny! 

Social Network
Who would've thought that David Fincher once directed a music video for Madonna? He did, but now with Social Network, he's a strong force to be reckoned. 

Shutter Island 
The twisted story plot, the you-said, he-said, she-said, I think conclusion is enough to make this one a classic. I guess Marty is taking it the Hitchcock way! 

After Tangled, Disney announced they're not going to make any animated movie about princess. With how Tangled came out, I said go ahead make as many as you want! Tangled is funny, sweet but yet I don't feel embarrassed watching it. 

Seriously we need a good movie about massive creatures. Monster is not really about huge aliens, but it satisfied the thirst. In a more serious note, I think Monster is a metaphor for many things in many screw-ups men conducted.  

How to Train Your Dragon / Despicable Me / Megamind
They're all come in one because I have difficulties to pick only one last favorite. I think this year, animation rules and I'm happy! I just wish that I could watch the Illusionist next year.

Yeah, my favorites are mine alone. We might have similarity in taste, but hey, being different is okay. Leave in my comment box what your favorite are. 

flashback of 2010

Honestly, I haven't written anything here. I've been quite busy with work and the other blog. HEHEHE. However, since we're coming to the end of 2010, I would like to say a few words. One of the highlights in the news must be the disaster that have continuously occurred in our country, from natural disasters like volcano eruption, flood, quakes to how the weakness of Indonesia law was exposed (Remember Gayus?).

Anyway, personally I was truly blessed this year. My workload was insane throughout the year, but I must admit at some points, I enjoyed the travels required that came with the responsibilities. I visited Yogyakarta in May, Solo in September and South of Kalimantan in December. I made a lot of new acquaintances. 

I passed my French examination in November with a fair score, I must say. I'm pretty content how much I have learned and truly, I know a few of them by heart. Contrary to many believes, I'm just not that dumb. HAHAHA. 

But when it comes to blogging, I hardly have time to blog here, but my other blog, which is about culinary, I impressively submitted around 45 posts, which means I almost dined out every week. No wonder I'm always broke. KIDDING! HEHEHE.

Although it has been an awesome year, I also need to confess that I haven't read many books this year. Let's just say I didn't read much this year, which is very unfortunate because one of my resolutions is to read at least 2 books a month. That one just didn't go well. 

I'm not planning to drown myself in sorrow. I failed to succeed, true? Hopefully next year is my year to read. Talking about drowning myself, I have found many cases where I viewed things in a very harmful manner. I'm not proud of myself. I settled many of my own battles a few weeks ago. 

Last, but not least, I'm super-glad, super-happy that I have a very strong support system. My family (who is not only there to help me, but to bother me as well. HAHAHA. Kidding again!), my friends and my love (you know who you are, I'm so sorry you're down with fever and cold. Be well, soon!).

In short, 2010 is a very colorful year and I appreciate all the good things (and bad) that happened. Blessings to all of you. 

the dance within 2: beyond the dream

It's not easy to make a sequel. Even in the most superstitious town of Hollywood, sequels often failed to follow its predecessor's glory. Remember Speed 2: Cruise Control, anyone? However, the rule doesn't apply for the Dance Within. When the Dance Within 2: Beyond the Dream was announced, one (without faith) must've thought what else they could've done, other than krumping and shimmering?

On that rainy Saturday, 27 November 2010, the dancers of the Dance Within completely burned down the house. Somehow it's no longer a dance recital, it's more of an art installation. It broadened its dance genres and knitted them all together in one neat almost-perfectly-told story line. Although there's a possibility if that you're not reading the playbill, you might not get the story line, which is a shame. Still, you can enjoy the colorful exquisite well-choreographed movements.

This year, the Dancewave went far beyond the limit with the wide range of dance types. The beautiful traditional dances of Java, the martial art - wushu (the dancer reminds me of the graceful miss Michelle Yeoh), the extravagant Bollywood-theme dance and the capoeira (I have no words for this amazing art/sport/something form) are a few of the highlights.

Although I must admit I can never tell what makes a dance a good dance, but surely I can tell you that I have one heck of a good time! 

Unfortunately this sold-out show annually perform one night only. (The only downside of this spectacle is) many artsies (not sure it's a word) were left outside the restoration-needed historical Gedung Kesenian Jakarta learning the hard way of the advantage of pre-sale.

Check their website:

Note: Copyright photo courtesy of Yuska Lutfi Tuanakotta. 

yogyakarta, 2006

4 tahun yang lalu ketika saya menemukan diri saya jenuh dengan segala rutinitas yang saya kerjakan di Jakarta, saya memutuskan untuk pergi selama 1 minggu di bulan Desember. Seorang teman menganjurkan saya untuk pergi ke Yogyakarta. Saya mengingat dengan jelas bagaimana kota Yogyakarta adalah salah satu kota teraman, teramah dan tidak membutuhkan biaya hidup yang tinggi.

Saya tidak berniat menuliskan kembali salah satu pengalaman yang paling menyenangkan dalam hidup saya. Merayakan Natal di gereja di kota ini juga menandakan sebuah perubahan dalam hidup saya. Dalam kesempatan mengenang kembali masa-masa indah itu, saya berharap suatu saat untuk dapat kembali ke kota yang indah ini.

Sementara waktu, dalam doa saya, ayo Yogyakarta bangkit dan bangun kembali kotamu. Saya tak sabar untuk berlibur dan kembali mengunjungimu lagi. 

keponakan yang baru

Dilahirkan tanggal 17 September 2010, anak pertama dari kakak laki-laki saya dan istrinya. Sampai saat ini belum diputuskan nama yang pas, semoga dalam waktu beberapa hari ini, saya sudah bisa memanggil dia dengan namanya dan bukan dengan si bocah.

Yah, ponakanku, semoga kamu bertumbuh menjadi anak yang berbakti kepada Tuhan, bangsa dan negara, orang tua, keluarga dan punya cita-cita setinggi bintang di langit. Selamat datang di bumi. Peluk sayang dari om. :D

ngambil foto di kala iseng

Saya sedang di rumah dan beberapa hari ini rasanya bosan banget. Mau siap-siap kerja untuk hari Senin, tapi berat banget. HAHAHA. Jadi iseng-iseng saja ambil foto taman di depan rumah. Berikut ini hasilnya.

introducing cook

There's a new member to my family. My sister in law suggested that he was named either Cookie or Brownies, while I preferred to name him James Longnose, and I like to think he's British. Unfortunately, James Longnose is a bit too long for a dog. So everyone seems happy with Cookies. For me, he's always James Longnose and for short, people call him Cook. Cute, eh?

Cook is a bit shy, and he doesn't bark much. Like many of puppies his age, he has a very high level of curiosity. So far, I know that he likes Lisa Stansfield, my white Puma sneaker (yes, singular, only the left side). He hates the camera and being alone.

movie: the white ribbon

Director: Michael Haneke
Release Year: 2009

"I gave God a chance to kill me, and He didn't do it"
Martin, the White Ribbon

The White Ribbon tells a story of mysterious events that took place in a small village in the northern part of German. Narrated by a tailor, the story occurred around 15 months before the first world war. At that, he was a young school teacher.

Haneke (the writer) hardly named all the characters. They were mentioned as the Baron, the Teacher, the Priest, the Farmer, the Doctor or the Steward. The village, where crimes were committed without consequences. Haneke never reveals who was (were) behind all these crimes. Although at some occasions, names were mentioned, lines were drawn, but Haneke still leaves it to his audience to believe what they want to believe.

As he was trying to tell us that it doesn't matter who did it, but the idea that the crimes were committed in a small village without punishment. The community leaders of the village , the Baron and the Priest, seem failed to solve the matter. Their authority, seems to be evoked by what are important to our society, the Baron for his fortune and the Priest for he speaks in the name of God.

The White Ribbon was shot in color then altered during the post-production to black/white images. Not only it works, it's also brilliant. The White Ribbon is like watching a horror movie without any scary creatures. At each scene, I was waiting for something terrible to happen and when it didn't, I was super-glad. The real stars in this movie were the children. They made the Children of the Corn look like a group of toddlers. The movie and its setting reminds me of the Little House of Prairie, actually a twisted version.

I read so much about Haneke and his movies. Unfortunately, his movies were not easy to find. I was lucky to be able to watch this one. Haneke's movies are never about reasons. I don't get to ask why something occurred, but how the characters react, that makes the movies interesting. Maybe Haneke tries to tell us that (in his movies) tragedy and misery do exist.

His previous one, The Funny Game with Naomi Watts tells a story of young family was brutally murdered for no reason. The murders had no previous knowledge about the family and it's just a random act. This movie had successfully made me check my door every night before I go to bed ... until now.

milo unwell

A couple of weeks ago, Milo had this infection which made him wear this! Poor Milo, but then again, it's for his own good. He's all better now. The photo is just so funny, because it's not easy to take his photo. He can never sit still, but certain conditions like this one, he gave the best poses ever. :D


I am always a big fan of Batik and I really like wearing Batik shirt. But it was very unfortunate for someone with a very petite figure like me to find the exact size of Batik. Batik Keris, a popular brand did not have the perfect size for me.

A week ago, my office decided to have a batik day and I sadly went to Batik Keris to purchase a batik shirt in the kids department. Yes, all this time, I can only purchase batik from the kids department.

Until that night, I was told that Batik Keris has just launched a new line called Batik Keris Slim Fit. I was never happier to see batik in life. I tried to put it on and it fit! I bought one first and told myself to purchase probably the entire collections. HAHAHA.

I never liked myself wearing batik before, but on that batik day, I felt beautiful. Unfortunately, this new line is a bit pricey and the collections are limited. Unlike the usual Batik Keris shirt, the slim fit collection was not printed, but it was what they called a stamped batik. I just nodded when they explained the reason why it's more expensive.

The shopkeeper told me that Batik Keris is so excited about this collection that they will produce more of this line. So, yay! I'm happy!

So, in case you're having problems thinking what could be the best gift for me, Batik Keris Slim Fit size SS would just do! HAHAHA, kidding!


1984, pada acara MTV Video Music Awards yang pertama, seorang perempuan dengan dandanan ala seorang pengantin perempuan bergulingan di atas panggung sambil berdendang. Laksana seorang pengantin yang berperilaku tak pantas, sang publicist penyanyi perempuan tersebut (Liz Rosernberg) dibisiki oleh teman kencannya sambil menunjuk kepada penyanyi tersebut: Bagaimana mungkin dia bisa melakukan itu?! Kariernya telah berakhir saat ini juga.

Penyanyi perempuan tersebut adalah Madonna, lagu yang didendangkan adalah Like a Virgin.

Dan pernyataan teman kencan Liz Rosernberg sangat keliru (begitu pula asumsi jutaan orang yang membandingkan Madonna dengan Cyndi Lauper). Madonna menjadi salah satu penyanyi perempuan yang paling dikenal seantero jagat dan boleh juga dibilang sebagai penyanyi perempuan yang paling berhasil dalam sejarah rekaman.

Sangat sulit untuk menerima rentang karier Madonna tanpa mengerutkan dahi. Madonna yang dikenal sebagai sang manipulator media. Di awal tahun kariernya, dia tidak pernah dianggap sebagai penyanyi yang serius. Madonna hanya seorang pencipta kontroversi.

Like a Prayer, setelah lebih dari sepuluh tahun dari waktu pertama kali diedarkan, kini disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu album yang penting. Tetapi kontroversi video dari lagu dengan judul yang sama juga membakar amarah gereja waktu itu.

Madonna dan MTV adalah contoh sempurna dari simbiosis mutualisme. Mereka saling memanfaatkan. Madonna sebagai manipulator media, menggunakan MTV sebagai bentuk promosi dan sebaliknya MTV yang baru saja diluncurkan mendompleng kontroversi Madonna.

Walau bersahabat, beberapa kali MTV melarang penayangan video-video Madonna. Pertama kali, Justify My Love yang dinilai terlalu sensual. Pelarangan ini justru menciptakan produk baru yaitu video single dan Justify My Love terjual 500ribu kopi, sehingga disebut sebagai video terlaris hingga saat ini. Erotica dan What It Feels Like for a Girl adalah video-video lain yang dilarang penayangannya oleh MTV.

Madonna juga tercatat sebagai penyanyi solo dengan penghasilan terbesar dalam pertunjukan konser. Perjalanan konser terakhirnya, Sticky and Sweet menghasilkan lebih dari 200juta USD. Madonna juga dicatat sebagai penyanyi dengan TOP-TEN single terbanyak di daftar tembang Billboard Hot 100 mengalahkan Elvis baru-baru ini.

Saya sempat tersentuh ketika menonton salah satu dokumenter Madonna, I'm Going to Tell You a Secret, di mana di salah satu adegan film itu, Madonna memberikan pesan kepada para pendukung konsernya dalam hidup untuk selalu bertanggung jawab (be responsible) dan mempunyai kasih (have compassion) untuk sesamanya, karena menurut Madonna, dua hal itu lah yang menjadikan seseorang manusia yang lebih baik.

Saya lebih kaget lagi mengetahui di balik penampilannya yang tampak "rusak", justru Madonna adalah orang yang sangat memperhatikan kesehatannya. Dia tidak merokok, menjaga makanannya dan dikenal sebagai salah seorang penyanyi yang paling sehat di dunia. Jika kita menghitung jumlah penyanyi dari tahun 80an yang masih ada hingga ini, tampaknya tidak banyak yah. Kalaupun masih hidup, pasti sedang dililit oleh masalah. Ingat Whitney?

Saya tidak berniat mengajarkan anak-anak untuk mendengarkan Madonna yang nota-bene belum pantas bagi mereka. Tetapi paling tidak ada satu hal yang bisa kita pelajari dari seorang Madonna: to live a good life and be a better person, one must be responsible for his actions and have compassion for others.

got till it's gone

Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you got till it's gone.
Joni Mitchell - Big Yellow Taxi

Belakangan ini saya mendapatkan satu pelajaran yang sungguh amat berharga dan jujur saja, menyakitkan. Saya diajarkan untuk menghargai sesuatu (atau seseorang). Karena jika tidak, ketika sesuatu itu hilang atau orang itu pergi, saya menemukan betapa hal atau orang tersebut sangat berharga. Yang terburuk, penyesalan itu rasanya pahit.

Joni Mitchell di lagu Big Yellow Taxi menyanyikan betapa manusia mensia-siakan alam. Kemudian lagu yang sama dinyanyikan kembali oleh Janet Jackson yang menyanyikan bagaimana penyesalan yang datang terlambat setelah sang kekasih pergi karena disia-siakan. Janet menyanyikan: "If I could turn back hands of time, make you fall in love with me again, so would you give me another chance to love?"

Miris memang penyesalan itu dan naasnya penyesalan itu selalu terjadi atau timbul di kemudian waktu. Tak heran waktu seringkali dibilang "jahat", bukan karena perbuatannya, tetapi karena sifat waktu yang tidak mungkin mundur. Setiap keputusan yang kita ambil detik ini menentukan nasib (atau kejadian-kejadian) hidup kita di waktu yang mendatang.

Semua hal, bisa jadi pekerjaan, pasangan hidup atau bahkan keluarga tidak akan selamanya menjadi milik kita. Semua itu mungkin saja akan lenyap atau pergi. Sungguh suatu yang buruk, jika penyesalan timbul dari "kehilangan" itu.

Saya tidak hanya menyesal, tetapi saya merasa sangat buruk karena saya mensia-siakan anugrah. Saya tidak menyukuri hari-hari di mana saya diperhatikan, saya dikasihi. I'm really sorry for being a horrible person, for not showing enough of appreciations that you deserve.

good tv: weeds, the good wife

It has been a good year for TV, I say. Especially for women in TV, these few years, there have been so many strong roles for women. Although I don't find being a Carol Brady is any wrong, but seriously these days, no more Carol Brady. Mothers on TV are more like Nancy Botwin and Alicia Florrick. They're ... just not your regular moms.

New season in August 2010: season 6
This August is going to be a very exciting month for me. Weeds season premier will be on the 16. The first time I watched Weeds was accidental. I although am always a fan of Mary-Louise Parker, the title of the series is a bit too offensive for my taste.

It's probably a slow week or there's just nothing else to watch, I decided to purchase the first season of Weeds. I was wrong (well, not completely). It was offensive, it was horrible, but it's also funny and meaningful. Weeds tells a story of a two children widow, Nancy Botwin. Nancy, after the sudden death of her husband, decided to sell weeds to her neighbors.

By each season, the trouble she accidentally got herself into got bigger. I don't think children (or anyone below 18) are allowed to watch this series. I don't think Jenji Kohan (the creator, she also one of the people who are responsible for Gilmore Girls) tries to promote drugs (or weeds). Nancy Botwin is just an example how a person can do bad under certain circumstances.

New season in Fall (September 2010): season 2
Alicia Florrick is the cheat-on wife of a falling-from-grace politician. After her husband was arrested, Alicia decided to return to practice law. With her last name, Florrick, she finds troubles (related or not to her husband) and/or sometimes solutions to the case she's handling.

What makes The Good Wife so good? Alicia is an underdog, and practically too-old junior associate who tries to mark her own place. Don't we always love that kind of story? And Kalinda! Yes, Archie Panjabi, the law-firm investigator with an attitude, makes the series even intriguing. No wonder, The Good Wife earned so many Emmy nominations for this year and don't be surprised if it wins big as well. I bet on Julianne Margulies and Archie Panjabi to win the best actress and best supporting actress in the drama category.

my super-mother

So last Friday (August 6, 2010) was my birthday and unfortunately I was engaged to fulfill certain responsibilities that required me to be out of Jakarta. I didn't spend much time to celebrate it. However despite all that, I was so grateful (still am actually) for all the birthday wishes sent to my facebook account or even to my phone. I consider myself as the luckiest man on earth. If you are one of those people, THANK YOU!

At each birthday (and yes, there have been quite a lot! HAHAHA), I was always reminded of a person that I consider a hero, as my own personal hero, which is my mother. My mother, on the day I was born, put in danger her life so I could have mine. Even until today, she's (currently) in the kitchen preparing a family dinner party to celebrate my existence, which only exists greatly due to her kindness.

My mother has not always been great. She's not flawless, but if you're a single parent of 4 children (any kind of parents for that matter), flaws are just part of the package. Perfect parents are just unreal. My mother taught me to be humble and live life modestly. She always said (still does) never judge a book by its cover (cliche yet true) and never want to be judged only by your appearance.

She taught me (in her own ways) to appreciate things, to celebrate life, to believe things could (can) happen. She loves traveling. She (at 60) canoed in the wild river of Papua. She also love being in the kitchen and we easily love to have her being there. For she cooks many amazing meals, which I personally think not even the most expensive restaurant can provide. So now, you know whom I got the passion for food from. HEHEHE. I was also first introduced to the magic of cinema by her. I remember how we used to watch movies together and at some point, I always wanted to be a script writer.

So, on my belated birthday, let me take a minute or even five, to thank my mother, for her super-heroic life-risk action many years ago (I'm that old) to bring me to the world and many of her days to worry, to love, to nourish, to restlessly pray for me. I love you, mom. Thank you. God bless you.

movie: salt

Director: Phillip Noyce
Cast: Angelina Jolie
Release Year: 2010, July

Angelina Jolie undeniably is a very attractive woman. I believe Phillip Noyce think so too. Too attractive (she is), that he failed to escape the typical B-list action movies by not editing the unnecessary scenes that indicate only one thing, Jolie kicks ass.

Salt is a CIA agent who was actually a Russian spy (again, really?) that was raised to attack America. Unfortunately, people change and so did Salt. Once trained to be a cold-hearted killer, she deviated for a cause that makes the world turn around, love. (I'm seriously trying to be sweet here!).

I wish at several scenes, Salt paid more attentions to the story line. It has so many potentials to be much better. Anyway, do you know that initially Salt was written as a man and it was meant for Tom Cruise? Cruise declined the role and go for Knight and Day instead (see how that one went down?). They rewrote the whole story, changed the sex of the character and Jolie's in.

Honestly, I might skip the movie if it was Cruise's. HAHAHA. So, good trade, I say.

The funny thing is a month ago, a so-called Russian spy, named Anna Chapman was arrested and deported back to Russian. Although I don't think Chapman and Salt have anything in common in any matters beside they're both born in Russia. However, the news gave great publicity to the movie. Jolie was in Russia to promote Salt and she was irresistibly welcomed.

Parental warning:
I do not suggest you to bring your child with you to watch this movie. Beside they're probably too young to know who Angelina Jolie is, the movie centers on revenge and it's actually quite violent.

le film: changement d'adresse

Est-ce que je t'ai dit que j'ai retourné au CCF le mois dernier? J'ai un nouveau classe. Mes amis sont très brillants. Je suis heureux d'être dans la classe. Le semaine dernière, ma professeur m'a demandé faire un devoir. Je dois observer et réécrire un film. Le film est Changement d'adresse, une histoire d'amour. Je dois trouver les personnages et l'histoire du film. Ci-dessus est mon travail:

Titre du film: Changement d'Adresse
Les personnages:
David: il est musicien, il vient vivre à Paris and il donne des cours de musique.
Anne: elle est une jeune coiffeuse
Julia: elle est une élève de David

L'histoire du film:
David vient vivre à Paris et il cherche un logement. Il rencontre Anne. Anne le proposè de partager son grand apartement. Anne tombe amoureux à David, mais il aime Julia, son élève. Anne continue à chercher le grand amour. David et Julia se rencontrent avant il parts en week-end au bord la mer avec Julia. Mais Julia a une aventure avec un homme.

Le fin du film selon moi:
David est très triste parce que Julia l’aime jamais. Il rencontre Anne, mais elle est mariée et très heureuse. David vit seul jusqu’à le jour il meurt. Et Julia, elle devient une actress célèbre.

quote me

I started blogging as sembiluan since 2008. I always mention how much I love writing and how writing has been saving me from many self-destruction (HEHEHE). It's true. Writing can somehow calm one's down.

Anyway, since I haven't written anything since forever and I'm in the middle of guilty feeling for being too preachy. Anyway, I read some old emails I sent or received. I found quite a few interesting quotes. Some of them are silly, or funny, or even a bit sad. I wrote most of the quotes to my friends.

And here they are.

Life is difficult and I don’t want to wish for an easy one, otherwise I won’t be thick-skin. Work may stress me out and I don’t want to wish it any other way, otherwise I won’t be able to appreciate every hard-earned cent by the end of the month. Romance seems impossible at this time and I’m not rushing myself into it, otherwise I won’t be able to appreciate the right one that comes along later. In short, may your heart (and mine) filled with peace, your mind (and mine) with wisdom and your days (and mine) with blessings.

Have I really told you that I enjoy talking to you? Even most of conversation seem useless to you, they mean a lot. HAHAHAHA. (feel free to go puking). Even now when I know I come to the end of the letter (before I bore you to death), I feel the need to keep writing. HAHAHAHA. Maybe I should tell you I got a new scanner *so not important* or these couple of weeks I've been staring at my blackberry and hoping you send me something!!! HAHAHAHAHA. Okay, that's stupid. Stupidity is the sign one must go.

Anyway, have you ever felt that you want something that you cannot have? I guess that's how I describe our friendship. Okay, that's just not fair. I wanted to say I love being your friend, what worse is sometimes I feel my enthusiasm is way too much and it might have scared the big shit out of you and secretly you pushed me away.That's prejudice, I admit it.

Then you know I'm a very curious little guy. I went on googling about how true the story of Rose Dawson. I found out that there was a survivor from the big ship of Titanic who lived in Cedar Rapids. Her name is Millvina Dean. Then of course, she didn't throw a big diamond necklace into the deep ocean (I would be devastated if the diamond story was true).