adieu, vida!

On Monday, Patrick Swayze died at 57 after a battle with pancreatic cancer. I'm never a fan of Swayze. I don't even like Ghost. But his bravery to take the role of Vida Boheme in "To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar" made him a dearest to me and Golden Globe agreed to nominate him as the best actor in the comedy/musical category.

We will always remember Patrick Swayze, an actor, a singer, a dancer, a song-writer and a Vida Boheme. Adieu.

time: 09:09:09

Pak Stephen Tong once quoted a famous Chinese proverb, saying: "Time is money, but money is not time." Pak Tong also explained that the proverb means it's true that time is valuable (like money or gold), but money or gold cannot redeem time or the value of time.

I always think that date (to its second) was the measure unit to the value of time, like meters for length or grams for weight. We use years-month-date-time to measure the value of time. Today, nothing special about it (it surely will repeat itself with other numbers), my time measurement (also known as clock) showed: 09.09.09, o9:09:09.

Pretty amazing, isn't it? Again, nothing special, but I hope it stops you for a minute or five to think how valuable it is. Remember time maybe money, but no amount of money can redeem time. I don't preach, for I'm not yet that wise, but I'll say a prayer written many hundreds years ago by a very smart guy, named Moses.

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." - Moses, Psalm 90:12, NIV.

Have a great day/hour/minute/second, everyone!

PS: The quote was taken from Tong's famous book, Waktu dan Hikmat. It's one of my favorites.

this is milo

My sister just got a new dog. My nephew (whose name is Billy) name the dog MILO. So this is Milo, age 30 days. He's a bit shy, but very cute.

my mumps

On my last entry, I did mention that I was not feeling well. Last Thursday, at around 10, I thought that I was going to faint. My head was hurting (still), my head was spinning and my body was burning (no dramatization here). The office's doctor diagnosed me with MUMPS.

What is mumps, you ask? Mumps is a viral disease that caused by the mumps virus. It causes the salivary gland to be swollen (it's the almost-back part of the neck to the ear). The disease can be dangerous if it's not rightly treated and it's definitely contagious, therefore I have to stay home for the weekend. Hiks.

As I spend my Friday night watching Disney's Beauty and the Beast and eat my nasi goreng, I really am trying to just see it from the brighter side. Maybe I need to slow things down, maybe it's a sign I need to take a better care of myself.

My neck is getting better. The swollen part is almost gone and I can still can eat, talk and listen pretty well (for some people, the symptoms are the lost of taste, appetite, becoming temporarily deaf) ... So, I'm good and grateful it's not too serious. Please pray for my being well.

Have a nice week-end, everyone!

aku kembali

Hari ini, tepatnya tanggal 2 September 2009, sekitar pukul 3 sore ini, terjadi gempa di pulau Jawa. Pusat gempa diperkirakan oleh BMG sekitar 142 km barat daya dari kota Tasikmalaya dan kerasa goncangannya sampai ke Jakarta.

Di mana gue? Gue habis melakukan kunjungan dari Departemen Pendidikan di Sudirman dan sedang makan sore di Urban Kitchen, Senayan City. Goncangan heboh yang membuat hampir seluruh pengunjung mall keluar serentak. (Sempat mengutuk diri dan berjanji kalau lain kali hanya mau ngunjungi mall dengan ketinggian maksimal 3 lantai .. HEHEHE). 

Tapi syukur saja, masih selamat sampai keluar dan sempat masuk lagi untuk ngebalikin kartu hijau Urban Kitchen dan bayar tagihan dong.  

Eniwei, entry post terakhir gue itu tertanggal 2 Agustus 2009 dan sekarang tepat 1 bulan kemudian, baru gue mulai nge-post lagi. Secara singkat apa saja yang terjadi di dalam hidup gue sebulan: kerja, ulang tahun, PDKT dan tidak PDKT, patah hati dan baik kembali, ngalamin bencana gempa, dapat tugas-tugas baru dari kantor dan ... pindah rumah!

Yah, pengen nge-blog lebih panjang, tapi kok badan gue sakit-sakit semua ya? Gue yakin banget kalau gue gak ketiban apa-apa, gue baru saja mengkonsumsi satu tablet Neozep dan minum air panas (BENARAN! AIR PANAS langsung dari dispenser) untuk menghangatkan isi perut. Semoga besok pas bangun pagi, sudah bisa segar.

My laptop is still on. I'm updating some programs. It's good to be back!

NB: Gambar di atas itu diambil dari Google!Earth, itu kota Tasikmalaya hasil jepretan satelit.